Opinion & Featured Articles

Just Delivered: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms George R.R. Martin

Alright, this is not a review because I am yet to read the book.

If you are into Game of Thrones, this is something you should not skip (just making an educated guess). The book is a prequel to The Songs of Ice and Fire series and is a collection of the following three novellas:

1) The Hedge Knight
2) The Sworn Sword
3) The Mystery Knight

Just the thought that the Targaryens still hold the Iron Throne gives me goosebumps.

The illustrations by Gary Gianni are top notch.

Just got this book from Amazon, and this post is basically a shameless show-off of my excitement 🙂

If you have already read the book, do share your thoughts on it.

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Opinion & Featured Articles

The Rains of Castamere: A Game of Thrones

the rains of castamere game of thrones

Some of us might have skipped reading George R. R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones had David Benioff and D. B. Weiss not created the TV series for HBO. The blood soaked tale of deceit and betrayal in the medievalish landscape of Westeros has captivated readers and viewers alike. Game of Thrones follows the book to perfection and has proven actors delivering compelling performances. But more importantly, it manages to re-create the exotic world portrayed in A Song of Ice and Fire. The amazing sets and brilliant background score wouldn’t let you out of Westeros even when you are done watching it.

If you follow A Song of Ice and Fire closely, you would notice that the song The Rains of Castamere has been featured a number of times. It’s a song that celebrates Tywin Lannister’s famous victory over rebellious House Reyne of Castamere. At the end of the war, House Reyne was completely destroyed by their liege lords — the Lannisters. The song reminds people of the fate that awaits them if they cross the Lannisters.

The Song refers to the fact that the sigil of House Reyne, like the Lannisters, was a lion. However, it was a red lion, not a golden one like their liege lords. The war between House Reyne and the Lannisters has often been described as clash of the lions.

The Rains of Castamere has become famous as the Lannister song.

Here is a great version of the song by Peter Hollens and Taylor Davis. Feels like we are back in Westeros.

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